Current Position

He is currently the Director & Head , Department of Minimal Access Surgery, Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery & Gastrointestinal Surgery at the FORTIS Hospital,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. The Department is rated one of the best in Delhi and NCR for Clinical and Academic excellence
Practicing at
FORTIS FLT. LT. RAJAN DHALL HOSPITAL (A Super Speciality Hospital)
Surgical Experience
More than 21 years of expertise in Minimal Access Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Metabolic Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes. As a leading Laparoscopic surgeon with extensive training and practice, Dr. Randeep Wadhawan brings forth his strong line of credentials both as a practicing Laparoscopic surgeon and as an academic. With over 30, 000 laparoscopic surgeries performed, his areas of practice and expertise include, Advanced Laparoscopic & complex Gastrointestinal Surgeries, Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries, Laparoscopic Urology & Laparoscopy in Pediatric patients
Surgical Skills
Has been independently performing surgical procedures like -
Laparoscopic Bariatric & Metabolic Procedures: He is running a dedicated and successful Obesity , Bariatric & Metabolic surgery programme at FORTIS Hospital, Vasant Kunj & Escorts . The procedures being done routinely at the centre are Laparoscopic adjustable gastric Banding (LAGB) , Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Laparoscopic Gastric bypass, Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass & Revision Bariatric procedures with excellent results .The department is doing more than 150 bariatric & Metabolic procedures a year. He is currently doing tailored Laparoscopic Metabolic procedures for remission of DiabetesType II,one of the very few centres in India doing the procedures.
Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal surgeries: He is performing high volume routine and advanced laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgeries with special interest in laparoscopic colorectal procedures, laparoscopic foregut surgeries and Endo hernias.
Minimally invasive ano rectal surgeries: He has an experience of more than 1000 MIPH (Minimally invasive procedure for hemorrhoids), he is also performing STARR procedure (Stapled trans anal resection of the rectum)for patients of Rectal prolapse, very few surgeons in India are doing the procedure. Certified by European Colpo proctology Society. He is also performing the latest minimally invasive treatment for Fistula in Ano- VAAFT (Video assisted Anal Fistula Treatment). His skills, knowledge and expertise is evident in his experience as a member of the surgical team which performed the first two port Lap cholecystectomy surgery in India in 1997. He was a member of the team performing a Lap assisted PCNL for an ectopic Kidney - one of only 10, cases reported in the world in 2005.
world in 2005. The Department is getting patients from all over the world for Advanced Laparoscopic procedures, Robotic surgeries and Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries. Some of the countries from where the patients are visiting the Department regularly for the above procedures are USA,Canada, EUROPE including UK & Germany, AFRICA including, Nigeria,Kenya, Tanzania,Rwanda,Ghana, South Africa, Congo, Middle East including IRAQ, Kuwait, Dubai, Oman, Australia, New Zealand & SAARC Countries.
Past Positions
Prior to joining FORTIS Group of Hospitals , Dr Wadhawan started the Department of Minimal Access Surgery and was the Chief Laparoscopic Surgeon at R.G. Stone Urological & Laparoscopic Research Institute, New Delhi from 1997 to 2006. During the period, he performed Gastrointestinal and Urological laparoscopic surgeries routinely and successfully.
Senior Residency: SIR GANGA RAM HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI, INDIA. (October 1994 - December 1997). Worked in the Department of General Surgery , Minimal Access Surgery & Urology.
During the period he had the opportunity of receiving training in Laparoscopic surgery from the leading Laparoscopic surgeons in the country.
For one year worked in the Department of Urology & Renal Transplant Surgery. During this period he independently performed open and endo urological procedures and actively assisted in Renal Transplant surgery including independently doing Donor nephrectomies.
He was actively involved in the teaching programme of DNB Surgery students. This included bedside clinics, speciality clinics, seminars & journal club.
Degree & Fellowship
FICS ( Fellowship of International College of Surgeons), Chicago, U.S.A., Recognition by the International college of surgeons for the the work done in the field of surgery in Nov- 2009.
FAIS (Fellowship of Association of Surgeons of India), Fellowship of the association of the surgeons in India . Apex body for Surgeons in India in Dec-2008.
FMAS (Fellowship of Minimal Access Surgeons of India). Fellowship for practicing Minimal Access Surgery in India & supported by Medical council of India and Association of Surgeons of India in Dec- 2007
FIAGES ( Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons), Fellowship for practicing Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgeries in March 2007.
MS (Masters in General Surgery), 1991 - 1994, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana.(PGIMS).INDIA
M.B.B.S (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), 1984-1990, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana.(PGIMS).INDIA.
Academic Achievements & Teaching Experience
Dr. Wadhawan has several national & international publications to his credit in indexed journals .
He has been invited as operative Faculty at several conferences/workshops to demonstrate Advanced Laparoscopic procedures & Laparoscopic Bariatric procedures .
Dr. Wadhawan has been invited as faculty for guest lectures and has presented more than 100 papers on Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal, advanced Laparoscopic procedures and Bariatric surgeries in National , International conferences & CME'S regularly , thus strengthening his experience and influence in the international community of Laparoscopic surgeons, as an academic and amplifying the international context of his experience.
His video presentations in advanced Laparoscopic procedures and Bariatric surgery have been awarded the best paper award at National conferences.
He has conducted and has been the course director in Advanced Laparoscopic Workshops, CME programs & Physician awareness programmes.
He has been actively involved with teaching & training of surgeons who are visiting the Department regularly as Registrars, Observers and & Clinical fellows.
He has been delivering Health talks at various forums including Print and electronic media and various T.V. Channels.
He has been writing articles for national news papers, health magazines regularly.
He is the National faculty with the prestigious Johnson and Johnson Ethicon Endosurgery Institute for Bariatric Surgery,Endohernia , MIPH , Laparoscopic solid organs program to train and teach surgeons from all over the country.
International Experience: He has completed a certified course & workshop in Bariatric surgery at the high volume International Centre of Excellence, Krankenhaus Sachenhausen, Frankfurt, Germany, with Prof. Rudolf Weiner.
Publications & Conferences Participated
He presented paper on Revision Bariatric Surgery at the IFSO-Asia Pacific Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Congress at Kaoshiung, Taiwan, April 2013.
He presented papers at the 38th World Congress of International College of Surgeons in Brisbane , Australia, November 2012.
He was invited as Faculty to the FORTIS Clinique Darne, Mauritius for the Medical summit where he demonstrated Live Advanced Laparoscopic procedures and gave a Lecture.
He was invited as National Faculty for the World Congress of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery to present papers and chair sessions - IFSO-2012 , New Delhi, India, September 2012.
He participated in the World Congress of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery-IFSO 2011 at Hamburg, Germany August 2011.
He has presented papers at numerous International conferences and workshops in Endohernia including the 5th annual Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS) congress at Bali, Indonesia October, 09 and the 6th annual (APHS) at SEOUL. South Korea .October 2010.
He participated in a workshop in STARR and Trans anal Colorectal surgeries in Vienna, Austria - Sept. 2009.The course and workshop was conducted by Prof Antonio Longo the pioneer and inventor of MIPH and STARR procedures.
He has been certified by the ECS (European coloproctology Society) to perform STARR and other advanced trans anal surgeries . 10 surgeons in India have the certification .
He has attended advanced Colorectal workshop in MIPH & STARR Procedures in Rome, Italy, June 2008
He attended advanced program in MIPH (Minimally Invasive Procedure in Hemorrhoids) at the Tung Wah Hospital , Hong Kong August, 07.
Life Membership of relevant Associations
IAGES - Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons
AMASI - Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India
ASI - Association of Surgeons of India
OSSI - Obesity Surgery Society of India
IFSO - International Federation for the surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
APHS - Asia-Pacific Hernia Society
Delhi Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India
IMA - Indian Medical Association
DMA (South Delhi Branch) - Delhi Medical Association
HSI - Hernia Society of India.