Dr. Krishna Iyer is one of India's front ranking pediatric cardiac surgeons, recognized for his
clinical expertise and wide ranging involvement with cardiac care for children in India and other
developing nations, Dr. Iyer initiated the first dedicated pediatric cardiac care program in
Northern India , a pioneering initiative, at Escorts Heart Institute Research Center( now Fortis-
Escorts Heart Institute ) in 1995. Under his guidance this pediatric cardiac program has become
the benchmark for cardiac care for children for India and its South East Asian neighbours. Dr.
Iyer has operated on more than 10,000 babies, children and adults with congenital heart
diseases comprising various procedures like arterial switch procedure, double switch operation
TAPVC repairs, Fontan and Fontan type procedures, corrections for tetralogy of Fallot, DORV
,Truncus etc. Senning operation, conduit repairs and wide range of one stage and multi-stage
corrections for complex congenital heart diseases. He has done original work on rapid twostage
arterial switch orocedure and performed the first successful rapid two stage arterial switch
and double-switch operation in India. His current interests are perfecting complex neonatal
cardiac surgery, cardiac surgery in malnourished infants and children, salvaging late presenters
of congenital heart disease, and developing cost effective cardiac care for children in developing
countries. Dr. Iyer completed his M.B.B.S, M.S.( General Surgery) and M.Ch. (Cardiothoracic
and Vascular Surgery) from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. After
basic training, he joined the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at AIIMS and
was Additional Professor at the time he moved to Escorts Heart Institute to set up its pediatric
cardiac care division. He trained in pediatric and infant cardiac surgery under the guidance of
the renowned pediatric cardiac surgeon - Dr. R.B.B.Mee - as Senior Fellow at the Department
of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery at Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne in Australia in 1989. Since
his return he has endeavored to promote the specialty of pediatric and congenital heart surgery
in India, especially in the non-governmental sector. He has contributed prolifically to furthering
the cause of pediatric cardiac care through over a hundred research publications in national and
international journals, authoring sections in medical books on pediatric and neonatal cardiac
surgery and traveling to cities across India and abroad to deliver lectures. He has been the
founder President of Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society and has been President of Pediatric
Cardiac Society of India. He is currently Editor of the Indian Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascular
Surgery. He is a permanent member of the Steering Committee of the World Congress of
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, and governing councilor of the World Society of
Congenital Heart Surgery and the Asian Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons. He
is an invited international member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons He is
involved in many charities for underprivileged children, most notably the 'Gift of Life' program of
Rotary International. During his academic career Dr. Iyer has won many awards. Some of these
are the Institute Gold Medal for Best Graduate of the year at MBBS examination, Sorel
Catherine Friemna Prize for proficiency in Pediatrics, Pfizer Postgraduate Medical Award, Gold
Medal and Scroll of Honour, HiraLal Gold Medal for being the best postgraduate in General
Surgery. He was awarded the Doppler award for best paper at the Sixth International
Symposium on Echocardiography in Cardiac Surgery held in Washington D.C. in 1994. He has
been designated Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary International Foundation for humanitarian services for children.
29 years
Faculty member in CTVS department of AIIMS, New Delhi and left as Additional Professor. Set up the pediatric cardiac program there and was involved in the training of several cardiac surgeons.
M.Ch. - December 1984
(Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery )- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India )
M.S. - December 1981
(General Surgery) All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
M.B.B.S. - December 1978 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Inter Science - March 1972 University of Bombay, Bombay, India
Indian School Certificate - December 1970 St.Joseph's Academy, Dehra Dun, India
Fellow and Life member of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgeons
Founder member of Pediatric Cardiac Society of India
Vice President of Pediatric Cardiac Society of India (2003-2005)
President of Pediatric Cardiac Society of India (2005-2007)
Founder President, Asia - Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society (2005-2006)
Permanent Member, Steering Committee for World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery ( 2009 onwards )
Council member, 'Asian Society of Cardiovascular&Thoracic Surgery'
Governing Council member of the 'World Society of Congenital Heart Surgery'.
International member, "American Association of Thoracic Surgery".
Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
Member, Editorial Board - "Annals of Pediatric Cardiology"
Member, Speciality Board of National Board of Examinationscapture
Surgical treatment of all forms of congenital heart disease in newborns to adults, simple or complex. Expertise in surgery for complex transpositions, late presenting CHD, pulmonary hypertension and complex neonatal surgery
Secured National Merit Scholarship for the year 1971 - 1972 for meritorious performance in the Indian School Certificate examination.
Awarded GanpatraoChittre Scholarship for securing second rank in the Inter-Science examination of the Bombay University in April, 1972.
Awarded Institute Gold Medal for Best Graduate of the year at the MBBS examination in Dec.1977.
Secured following awards in All India Institute of Medical Sciences between 1973 and 1977 : Institute Merit Awards for securing highest grades in the following subjects:
Forensic Medicine
General Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
SardariLalKalra Gold Medal for proficiency in Microbiology in May 1976. Institute Merit Scholarship.
Sorel Catherine Frieman Prize for proficiency in Pediatrics in Dec.1977.Pfizer Postgraduate Medical award, Gold Medal and Scroll of Honour in 1979.
HiraLal Gold Medal for being the best postgraduate in General Surgery in Dec.1981.
Selected on merit amongst worldwide applicants to attend a workshop on 'Basic aspects of Cardiac Surgery' organized by the International School of Medical Sciences, EttoreMajorana, in Erice, Italy in March,1983.
Recommended for honours at the M.Ch. examination in Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery held in Dec. 1984.
Awarded the Doppler award for best paper at the Sixth International Symposium on Echocardiography in Cardiac Surgery, held in Washington D.C. in Nov.1994.
Awarded a Citation and Certificate of Appreciation for distinguished service and outstanding contribution to EHIRC "DrA.P.J.AbdulKalam, Honorable President of India" on December 13th, 2002, New Delhi, INDIA.
Awarded and delivered the Dr. Armida Fernandez oration on 14th August 2005 at Mumbai
Awarded the Distinguished Service Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Clinical & Preventive Cardiology in the world by World Congress on Clinical & Preventive Cardiology (WCCPC 2006) in September 22nd - 24th, 2006, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, INDIA .
Awarded Certificate of "Appreciation for the selfless services rendered" by the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee at Rajiv Bhavan, on December 9th 2006, New Delhi, INDIA.
Awarded Certificate of Appreciation for the significant contribution at "The 16th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology" in December 13-16, 2007, Taipei, TAIWAN.
Awarded the Paul Harris Fellow "in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world" by "The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International" on 23rd Feb 2008, New Delhi (INDIA).
Awarded "Dynamic Indian of the Millenium" award by the KG Foundation, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu in August,2009
Awarded Sadasivan Oration at the 58th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons held in Kolkata, Feb 2012.
Over 100 publications, book chapters and reviews in national and international journals
First in India to successfully perform the Double Switch Operation in 1993 First in India to perform successful rapid Two Stage Arterial Switch operation in 1992 First in India to successfully repair Pentalogy of Cantrell in an infant in single stage