Ruby Hall Clinic occupies a prominent place among the medical institutions in India as a multi specialty hospital dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and research related to various diseases. It is a 535-bed hospital facility with a staff of 150 consultants, 500 panel doctors and 1400 paramedical staff.
Ruby Hall Clinic has state of the art facilities in Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Neurology, Nuclear Science Center, Diagnostic Center, Intensive Care Units, a Blood Bank and Cancer Unit. Established in 1959 by Dr. K B Grant, Ruby Hall Clinic started modestly but has now grown to a mammoth facility. Since it's commissioning in 1959, it has established itself as one of India's most advanced hospitals comparable to the best in the world.
In 1966 Ruby Hall Clinic was converted from a private institution owned by Dr. Grant to a Public Charitable Trust - Poona Medical Foundation. It was later converted to the Grant Medical Foundation in 2000, of which Dr. Grant is the Chairman and Managing Trustee.
All modern facilities and sophisticated medical equipment are available with the objective of providing comprehensive healthcare under one roof. The hospital is manned by highly trained, dynamic and accomplished team of medical and para-medical professionals, and other healthcare professionals.
Ruby Hall Clinic is recognized by both the Central and State Governments as also by most of the major Government undertakings and large industries for treatment of their employees and families. Ruby Hall Clinic is recognized by the University of Poona as a teaching institution for Post Graduate Medical Courses. The hospital is also recognized for DGO , DCH and DA courses by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Bombay. It has also been recognized from time to time by the Indian Council of Medical Research for important research projects.
Ruby Hall Clinic extends free and concessional treatment to the economically weaker sections of society. At present, a large number of deserving patients from the economically backward strata of society are treated free of charge and at concessional rates.
To enhance individual patient care through timely and relevant healthcare and to meet the healthcare needs of the needy patients in and around Pune.
In keeping with our social commitment we render free and concessional treatment to the less privileged.
Various facilities available in Ruby Hall Clinic -
Diagnostic Facilities
Therapeutic Facilities
ANC Classes
Medical Social Work Department
Public Relations Department for patient guidance and information, counselling and grievance handling.
Diagnostic Facilities
Computerised Cardiac Catherisation Department with all the latest technology for Angiographies
Electrophysiological Studies and RF Ablation
Fully Computerised Coronary Angiography System
Holter Monitoring
Stress Test
Trans-Esophageal Echocardiography (TEE)
All Video Endoscopic Procedures
Colour Doppler and 2-D Echocardiography
Latest Colour Doppler Machines
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Peripheral Colour Doppler Studies
Spiral CT scan
X-Ray machines with image intensifiers
Computerised laboratory for all routine and sophisticated tests including Blood Gas Analysis
Fully equipped Histopathology & Microbiology Department
Gamma Camera for Nuclear Imaging
Nuclear Scanning
Radio Immuno Assay Laboratory
Well equipped computerized laboratory
Therapeutic Facilities
Coronary Angioplasty
Coronary Artery Stent Implantation
Intensive Coronary Care Unit
Kidney Transplantation
Accident and Trauma Care
Accupressure Clinic
Button Hole Surgery for Gall Bladder removal
Blood Bank
Cancer Center with facilities for Radiotherapy, Surgical Oncology and Chemotherapy
Cardiac Center
Chest Medicine
Corneal Transplants with Eye Bank facility
Day Care Center
Dental Center with laboratory and facilities for Maxillo Facial Surgery and Dental Implants
Eleven well equipped Operation Theatres including separate Operation Theatres for cardiac and neurosurgery
Endocrinology and Diabetology
ENT Department
Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department with labour rooms
I.C.U. / C.C.U. / P.I.C.U. / N.I.C.U.
Intensive Care Unit for trauma and other cases
Lithotripsy and Urology including Nd : YAG Surgical Laser
Mobile 'C' Arm Units
Neonatalogy for highly specialized infant care and Neonatal Surgery
Neurology and Neurosurgery
Ophthalmic Laser & Automated Perimetry
Ophthalmology with facilities for radial keratotomy
Orthopaedic Department
Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Physiotherapy
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
Paediatrics , Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology
Post Operative Recovery Room for Cardiac, Renal and Neurosurgical cases
Radiation Synovectomy
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Renal Dialysis Unit
Respiratory Care Unit for patients needing acute respiratory care facilities
Speech Therapy with a Child Guidance Clinic
Vascular Surgery
Video-endoscopic Surgery