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Dr. vinay sakhuja
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Top Surgeons in Max Healthcare
Dr. vinay sakhuja
Director Nephrology a
Transplant Medicine
Max Hospitals- Mohali,
Bhatincla a Dehradun
Consultation Form
Dr. vinay sakhuja
M.B.B.S., Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
MD(Medicine) PGIMER, Chadigarh
DM(Nephrology) PGIMER, Chadigarh
MNAMS(Nephrology) PGIMER, Chadigar
FAMS - 1992
FRCP(London) - 2012

Officiating Director-PGIMER, Chandigarh
Deam-PGIIMER, Chandigarh
Chairman, Deptt. of Internal Medicine - FiGIMER
Senior Profissor Et Head Nephrologv - PGIMER
Profissor a Head ,Deptt. Of Nephrology - PGIMER
Teaching uperience of 26 years after post graduation in Internal Medicine and 33 years in Nephrology.
Accomplishment / Awards
Fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology awarded in 1991.
Fellowship of National Academy of Medical Science (FAMS) awarded in 1992.
Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of London I.FRCP) awarded in 2012.
"Swasth Bharat Samman" award in the category. of Nephrologv by Zee News for 2012 1 received on 9 March 2013.
"Distinguished Servic Award" by Geriatric Society of India in 2010.
Sandipani Rishi Award for excellence in teaching Nephrology given by Institute of Kidney Diseases, Ahmedabad in October 2006.
Gen Amir Chand Oration, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bhubaniswar, 16 Oct 2011 : Live related renal transplantation-overcoming the challenges.
1st prizes in Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Medicine and Eye E.N.T.
Col. Amir Chand Gold Medal for best thesis during M.D. Medicine.