"Here, at whatever hour you come, you will find light and help and human kindness."
- Albert Schweitzer
Quick Enquiry
Breach Candy Hospital, a leading hospital in Mumbai with state-of-the-art technical facilities, has been providing healthcare and medical expertise for over fifty years now. The hospital has one of the highest nurse-patient ratios (in the city) in the wards and a ratio of one nurse per patient in the ICUs.
The hospital is located in the heart of the city at South Mumbai on Bhulabhai Desai Road about 25 km from the domestic airport. The hospital is located close to the famous Mahalaxmi temple and the Holy Haji Ali shrine along the seacoast. The hospital has the US consulate as its neighbor.
Breach Candy Hospital, with a total of 175 beds has the following facilities and services:
Inpatient, Outpatient, and 24hrs Casualty Services
Medical Research Centre
Surgical Services
Paediatric Services
Neonatal Intensive Care
Renowned Medical Expertise
Excellent Nursing Care
Eight well-equipped Operation Theatres
Medical ICU
Surgical ICU
Artificial Kidney Services
Health Check-up Plans and Schemes
Corporate Tie-Ups
Health Centre recognised by the US Embassy
The diagnostic facilities that the hospital has are:
Pathology Laboratories
Spiral CT Scan
Colour Doppler
Cardiac Catheterisation
Cardiac Stress and Pulmonary Function Laboratory
The highlights of the various departments of the hospital are mentioned here.
Pathology Laboratory
A new equipment, the ATB Expression machine, is helping to cut down the time and to increase the accuracy of the various tests. The laboratory has developed special expertise in diagnosing infections associated with the AIDS virus. Public hospitals in the city regularly refer samples from AIDS patients to the Breach Candy Hospital for identification of pathogens.
Surgical Pathology, Cytology and Immunohistochemistry Section
A part of the Pathology Laboratory, the Surgical Pathology, Cytology and Immunohistochemistry section uses a wide spectrum of tests for analysing specimens removed from patients, either at surgery or biopsy.
Over the years, the section has earned an outstanding reputation for cancer diagnosis. It functions as a referral laboratory for the Indian Cancer Society, and has published several original papers in leading journals.
Blood Bank
Facilities are available for autologous transfusion, that is, using the patient's own blood for transfusion at routine surgery, and blood component therapy, that is, transfusing only the blood component the patient needs, such as red cells, plasma, platelets or cryoprecipitate.
Cardiac Catheterisation and Interventional Cardiology Laboratory
Expertise and innovations have earned the hospital national recognition as a leader in interventional cardiology. Many techniques that are now in routine use around the country were first performed here. Breach Candy was one of the first hospitals in the city to be equipped with digital imaging.
The laboratory performs coronary angioplasties with rotoblator, stent implantation, and balloon angioplasty for mitral valve disease, correction of certain congenital heart defects, and pacemaker implantation for improving cardiac function. The success and safety rates of the interventional procedures match those of the best units in the world.
The Diagnostic Imaging Centre is conveniently located in one complex. It provides comprehensive general radiography as well as the new imaging techniques.
Spiral CT Scan
The hospital is equipped with the fastest and most advanced sub-second spiral CT scanner with unrivalled features that can scan the whole or parts of the body.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging [MRI]
The special features of our new MRI machine include:
Short bore and a compact magnet due to which claustrophobia has been eliminated.
Ultra-fast imaging techniques
MRI angiography for imaging flowing blood without the use of a contrast agent
Software for visualising the heat, coronary arteries, and the biliary system
Software for MR myelography
Endo-cavitatory coil for diagnosing prostate gland disease
MR intervention for ablating tumours using focused ultrasound, laser or radio-frequency waves, as an alternative to surgery
Functional imaging of the brain
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The Obstetrics and Gynaecology department offers comprehensive gynaecological services. Common problems treated include abnormal bleeding, uterine fibroids, pelvic infections, endometriosis and loss of bladder control. This department has pioneered several techniques of diagnosis and treatment. In the area of minimally invasive surgery, it is a leader. Also known as keyhole surgery, minimally invasive surgery performed through an endoscope is increasingly replacing open surgery at the hospital.
Breach Candy was among the first Indian hospitals to introduce hysteroscopy. The hysteroscope permits gynaecologists to look inside the uterus and to diagnose and correct abnormalities, thus helping to preserve the uterus. In fact, following the introduction of hysteroscopy, there has been a significant reduction in the number of hysterectomies performed.
The maternity services of this department are supported by an excellent neonatal intensive care unit to look after critically ill babies.
At the daily OPD, paediatricians treat a wide variety of childhood ailments, referring surgical conditions to paediatric surgeons who operate regularly at the hospital. In addition, emergency care for children is provided round the clock.
The hospital conducts a 'well-baby clinic' that offers immunisation, monitors the growth and development of children, and counsels mothers on nutrition and other child-health related issues.
Surgery This department is a major centre for minimally invasive or keyhole surgery. This surgery is used for a variety of procedures, from the removal of the gall bladder to coronary artery bypass surgery, valvular surgery and chest surgery. Endoscopic orthopaedic surgery (arthroscopy) of the knee is one of the specialities of the orthopaedic surgeons attached to the department, who also carry out other advanced orthopaedic procedures such as joint replacement. Endo-urological surgery is available for certain diseases of the genito-urinary system.
The hospital has one of the most active coronary artery bypass programmes in the country. Cancer surgery, especially for malignancies of the breast, gastrointestinal tract and mouth, is a speciality within general surgery, which has a tradition of excellence in treating endocrine and gastrointestinal problems. Plastic surgeons at the hospital are skilled in cosmetic surgery and reconstruction. The urology section has recently been enlarged to offer comprehensive care for disorders of the kidney, bowel and genitalia. The hospital has a regular programme of kidney transplantation and is a recognised centre for cadaver transplantation of the kidney, heart and liver.
Besides treating common medical conditions, the Department of Medicine functions as a referral centre for unsolved and difficult cases from other cities in India, and occasionally from the South-East Asian, African and Middle East countries.
The departments' special interest in respiratory diseases is supported by an excellent Pulmonary Function Test Laboratory, equipped with the latest Jaegar Masterlab and Body Plethysmograph that measure all aspects of lung function non-invasively without causing any discomfort to the patient.
The Cardiac Stress Test Laboratory has state-of-the-art equipment (Marquette Centra), which help in diagnosing, prognosticating and evaluating the efficacy of therapy in coronary heart disease.
Artificial Kidney Services
Patients with either temporary or permanent kidney failure are managed in the Artificial Kidney department with dialysis and kidney transplantation.
Critically ill patients, who cannot be moved from the ICU, are given dialysis at the bedside with continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration, which has helped to save many lives. Patients suffering from chronic renal failure usually undergo haemodialysis at the hospital 2-3 times a week. A new technique, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), enables patients to dialyse themselves at home, without depending on a machine. Another option for patients with chronic renal failure is kidney transplantation. Over the last 20 years, several patients have received healthy kidneys from close relatives.
Physiotherapy Services It is one of the few physiotherapy facilities in the country that stays open for 24 hours to care for critically ill patients. Services include short-wave diathermy, ultrasonic treatment, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and interferential current therapy. Antenatal classes to prepare for labour and delivery and postnatal exercise classes for new mothers are a popular feature.
Godrej Charitable Wing The Godrej Charitable Wing opened in June 1979 to offer free medical aid to poor patients. Established with a munificent donation from the Pirojsha Godrej Foundation, the free services cover both the OPD patients and the inpatients, who receive treatment identical to that of paying patients. Doctors, including leading consultants attached to the hospital, offer their services to the Godrej Wing patients without charging a fee.
Health Check-up Plans and Schemes The hospital offers health maintenance examinations including consultation in five economy packages, ranging from basic pre-employment check-up to comprehensive medical evaluation for key executives. The programme combines traditional diagnostic expertise with the latest in preventive medicine. Evaluation is individualised according to one's personal health needs
Corporate Tie-Ups A large number of corporate houses in Mumbai have an arrangement with the hospital that entitles their key executives to consultation and admission without payment formalities. The bills are settled directly by the company, simplifying the admission and discharge procedures for selected employees.
The Doctors Scheme For a nominal subscription, members are entitled to free OPD consultation by the physicians who are part of the scheme and a reduction in the home and hospital visit charges. They are entitled to consultation with the hospital specialists at a reduced fee, discounts on a range of tests, and reduced charges for operations and other services.
Medical Research Centre The medical research centre strives to improve the medical care given to patients by devising better ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating any disease. Studies are carried out using powerful new technologies based on molecular biology. Special areas of interest include breast cancer and infections.
This research centre is recognised by the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Its activities include regular weekly clinical meetings in which interesting cases and advances in medicine are presented.
Breast Cancer
For several years, research has focussed on early detection of breast cancer. Currently, the Surgical Pathology staff is conducting studies to identify early pre-cancerous changes in the breast using tumour markers. The aim is to devise tests for screening and early diagnosis that will help to reduce deaths from breast cancer. By studying patients from various ethnic and religious groups, they also hope to discover whether genetic factors are responsible for the differing prevalence of breast cancer among various communities in India.
Hands That Serve
Support staff, many of them working behind the scene, contribute to the efficiency of the hospital services.
Dietary Services
The versatile and hygienic hospital kitchen prepares a variety of therapeutic and normal diets - Indian and western, vegetarian and non-vegetarian. The menus are prepared by the dieticians to appeal to all tastes. The food is meticulously prepared and attractively served.
In-House Pharmacy
All medicines needed by outpatients and inpatients are stocked by the hospital pharmacy for easy availability.
The Research Centre continuously strives to improve the medical care given to patients by devising better ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases.
The outstanding achievements in quality health care are:
Consistent quality contol and asceptic precautions in Operation Theatre namely Cardiac and Joint Replacement Surgery.
Development of Immuno-histochemical methodologies for specific diagnosis of cancer.
Establishment of protocols in critical care and documentation in ICU'
Strategic tie-up with Lennox Hill hospital for propagation of Joint Replacement Surgery under the overall supervision of Dr. Ranawat and his team.
Programme in Cancer surveillance in the female population in collaboration with Indian Cancer Society.
Establishment of a full fledged transfusion service for thallasemic patients and other heamatalogical disorders.