UAE Patient's Experience: Receiving Liver Cancer Surgery in India

UAE Patient's Experience: Receiving Liver Cancer Surgery in India

Patient Name: Qasem Burak
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: UAE
Doctor Name: Dr P Jagannath
Hospital Name: S.L. Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai
Treatment: Liver Cancer Surgery

Qasem Burak, a 58-year-old man from the UAE, had been experiencing significant weight loss, fatigue, and severe abdominal pain accompanied by swelling. Concerned by these symptoms, he consulted his doctor in UAE. After a liver tissue biopsy, Qasem received the daunting diagnosis of liver cancer.

Determined to find the best possible treatment, Qasem began researching his options. He had heard positive patient reviews about medical treatments and services in India, known for its advanced healthcare facilities and skilled professionals. While searching the internet for liver cancer treatment options, Qasem came across our India Cancer Surgery website and decided to reach out for assistance.

Upon contacting us, Qasem was connected with one of our case managers. The case manager promptly reviewed his medical records and the severity of his condition. Understanding the urgency and complexity of Qasem's situation, the case manager facilitated a consultation with a top oncologist in India.

The oncologist provided a detailed clinical opinion and a tailored treatment plan for Qasem's low cost liver cancer surgery in India. Qasem quickly made arrangements to travel to India. His case manager efficiently handled all the necessary paperwork, including visa arrangements, ensuring a seamless and stress-free process.

Upon his arrival in India, Qasem was welcomed and taken to the S.L. Raheja Fortis Hospital, Mumbai. There, he met with the Dr P Jagannath and the surgical team who would oversee his treatment. The medical team conducted a thorough evaluation, discussing the treatment plan and addressing all of Qasem's concerns with clarity.

Qasem underwent surgery to remove the cancerous tissue from his liver. The procedure was a success, and the medical team meticulously ensured his postoperative care and comfort. Following the surgery, Qasem underwent several rounds of additional treatments, including targeted therapy and medication, to eliminate any remaining cancer cells and prevent recurrence.

Throughout his stay, Qasem received exceptional care from the hospital staff. The medical team's dedication, combined with state-of-the-art facilities, played a crucial role in his recovery. The supportive environment and personalized attention greatly contributed to his healing process.

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