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Dr. Mahendar Valletti

Dr. Mahender Vallettii

Dr. Mahendar Valletti
Consultant Bariatric and Metabolic surgery


Bariatric Surgery


Jubilee hills, Hyderabad

Clinical Focus and Expertise

  • Bariatric surgery

  • Gastric Banding

  • Sleeve resection

  • gastric bypass and Ileal transposition and all advanced laparoscopic surgeries


Surgeon with 11 years of experience

Faculty Experience

  • Examiner for the Royal college of surgeons of England, London for the postgraduate exams MRCS.

  • Recent publication on the use of Tristaple Technology in Bariatric surgery.


  • FICS - international College of surgeons, USA in 2002.

  • FRCS - Royal College of surgeons in Ireland in 1995

  • M.S (Gen. Surgery) - Guntur Medical college, Guntur in 1992

  • MBBS - Guntur medical college in 1987

Conferences and Seminars

  • Invited Faculty to chair sessions in ABSCON, Apollo Bariatric conference held in Chennai on 21st and 22ndof Jan,2012.

  • Attended Bariatric surgery update and attachment in Homerton University hospital in London,UK between 1st to 12th Dec 2011.

  • Presented a paper - Bariatric surgery, Indian perspective in APASICON held at Vijayawada, AP, India in Sep 2010.

  • Presented a paper - Gastric Sleeve Resection, is it emerging as the primary bariatric procedure in Asia ? - in the APASICON 09 held in Warangal, Sep 09

  • Attended as an Indian delegate Paris, France in Aug 2009.

  • Delivered a talk on - Obesity surgery, the Asian Perspective - in the CME section of NATS, North American Telugu Society, Orlando,Florida in July 2009

  • Chaired the session in Gynaecological laparoscopic society of India, held in Hyderabad in June 2009.

  • Attended the national conference of AMASI held in Mumbai, april 2009.

  • Attended the SELSI , society of endoscopic and lapascopic surgeons of India, held at Agra in Oct.2008.

  • Attended and chaired a session in the Metasurg 2008, held in Mumbai 2008.

  • Attended and chaired a session in the the national conference of AMASI held in Jaipur in Feb 2008.

  • Attended as an Indian delegate and poster presentation in the SAGES held in Los Vegas, USA in april 2007.

  • Attended the 5th national congress of Obesity surgery, OSSICON 2007 held in Chennai in March 2007.

  • Attended IASG,Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology national conference held at Kochi, Sep 2004.

  • Attended LAPARO SURG 2003 held at Coimbatore in 2003.

  • Attended LAPARO SURG 2001 held at Coimbatore in 2001.

  • Early Gastric cancer, my Japanese experience, presented the paper in the National IMA conference held in Hyderabad in 2001.

  • "What is new in Gastro-intestinal Surgery" in Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds between 4th and 5th of June 99.

  • Eurosurgery 98 held in BUDAPEST, HUNGRY held between 17 to 21 June 98.

  • Association of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland - Meeting in Edinburgh Conference Centre, 13th to 15th May 1998.

  • Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Course - LIMIT - Leeds General Infirmary Oct - 97.

  • 3rd Annual Hepato Biliary Masterclass - Royal Liverpool University HospitalApril - 97.

  • Therapeutic ERCP Skills Course - Leicester Royal Infirmary Jan - 1997.

  • Basic Laparoscopic Skills Course, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds. October 1996.

  • Anastomosis Workshop at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge June 1996.

  • Ionising Radiation Protection Course at Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds April 1996

  • Vascular Anastomosis Workshop at Prince Philip Hospital, Llanelli, S.Wales.September 1995.

  • Surgical Oncology Workshop at Tata Memorial Centre, Bombay, India.May 1991.

  • Continuing Medical Education at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India.September 1989.

Research and Publications

  • "Pain control in acute abdomen" a prospective study done in Monklands Hospital between Jan 98 to Aug 98

  • "Ilel Pouch - Anal Anastomosis with and without covering Ileostomy - A randomised control study"

    "A Study of Parotid Swellings" February 1989 - February 1992. Dissertation submitted to the University of Health Sciences, A.P, India.

  • Risk factors leading to ITU admission following Oesophago-gastrectomy, Hairmyres experience presented on 30-10-98 in the annural meeting of West of Scotland Surgical Association in the Royal College of Surgeons in GLASGOW.


  • Life member of OSSI, Obesity surgeon's society of India

  • Life member of ASI, Association of Surgeons of India.

  • Life member of IMA, Indian Medical Association.

  • Member of SAGES, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons.

  • Member of ASGBI, Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.

  • Founder member of AMASI, Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India.

  • Founder member of AIAARO, All India Association for Advancing Research in Obesity.

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