Dr. Ramakanta Panda
Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Mumbai
Consultation Form
Dr. Ramakanta Panda
Specializations :
Fellowships in cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery including heart transplant from Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, U.S.A
Senior Registrar heart transplant and cardiac surgery at Harefield Hospital,
Harefield, London, UK under Prof. Magdi Yacoub.

Achievements :
One of the best Cardiac Surgeons in the country, he has performed over 6000 open-heart surgeries.
He is one of the pioneering cardiac surgeons in India in use of arterial conducts for bypass grafting, Redo coronary artery bypass grafting, severely damaged hearts and cardiac remodeling.
He performs more than 99% bypass surgeries by beating heart technique and most bypass surgeries using arterial conduits only, which is far superior to conventional use of vein grafts from leg.
He has one of the safest records in the world with a mortality of less than 0.5% in isolated coronary bypass surgeries for last 5 years.